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Welsh Blood appointments at USW

Pontypridd RFC are proud to support the Welsh Blood Service (WBS) and encourages anyone who is able to give blood, to become donors.

At present only 3% of the population donate blood. Each donation will save three lives or six premature babies, such a wonderful way to support your community and help save lives all over Wales. The Welsh Blood Service supply 19 hospitals in Wales and in September they supplied Cwm Taf Morgannwg University Health Board 738 units of blood. By sharing the word, you are helping the WBS maintain that supply to your local health board.

The WBS currently have quite a few appointments still available at USW Treforest on the 13th November, will you give blood and give the gift of life to someone that needs it? The links to book, in both English and Welsh are below, diolch.

Blood stocks in #Wales are lower than @welshblood would like them to be.

❤ Can you book today?

WBS aims to have at least  days of each blood type to help patients in need.

Don’t know your type? No problem, they will do that bit for you when you donate.

The Welsh Blood Service need more people to sign up as donors to help patients across Wales.  


Mae stociau gwaed yn #Wales yn is nag yr hoffai @welshblood iddynt fod.

❤ Allwch chi wneud apwyntiad heddiw?

Nod GGC yw cael o leiaf ⑦ diwrnod o bob teip o waed i helpu cleifion mewn angen.

Dim yn gwybod eich teip?  Dim problem, byddan nhw’n gwneud y rhan honno i chi pan fyddwch chi’n rhoi gwaed.

Mae angen mwy o bobl ar Wasanaeth Gwaed Cymru i gofrestru fel rhoddwyr gwaed i helpu cleifion ledled Cymru.